1 min read

Out Now!

Out Now!

"Out now!" is what my mother Shirley used to scream when she wanted me out of the house.

So, family and friends, the new little A. A. Aritz book, PRIMER: FOUR CRIME SHORT STORIES, is out now on Amazon. There is a Kindle version, a print version, and soon there will be an Audible audiobook.

I wish I could send all of you a review copy, but then, it would break my budget and more importantly, most of your reviews would not be posted because they would NOT be "verified purchases."

So I'm going transactional on you by offering you a FREE AUDIOBOOK either: FRONTIER MOTOR COURT or PRIMER when you buy the stories and post an honest review. No words necessary in your review. Stars are fine. Just post something and let me know via email.

I am also working on other free stuff to share with you. And please let me know what you are working on so I can get that news out there.

The whole point of releasing little books like this (think of it as a four-song EP for an indie band) is to have a fun while building a foundation for future A. A. Aritz books–which are cooking. I'm so very grateful for your support through the years.

I have no idea what I'm doing with most of this new world technology stuff, but doing my best to keep up and keep writing. I use no AI in my work. I hope you like the stories.

Love & Light always,
